
Наскільки милою є російська зовнішня політика до України? - дискусія

Отримав відповідь у Твітері від Judy Dempsey, старшого експерта-нерезидента Carnegie Europe, головного редактора Strategic Europe.

Стаття доступна тут: carnegieeurope.eu/publications/?fa=show&article=52611

Ось мій коментар, про який йшлося в твіті:
A timely article, however, misleading about the actual tone and methods of persuasion adopted by Russia. Coming to the 1045th anniversary of the baptism of Kyivan Rus, Putin was anything but charming with Yanukovich. They tried to distance from each other during the official ceremony, and met for the protocol meeting for 15 minutes only - and did not shake hands on public. Patriarch Kirill, considered to be "Putin's Shadow", didn't even meet Yanukovich. Instead of spending time with the Ukrainian colleague discussing issues of gas and trade, Putin took part in the roundtable organized by Kuchma-era politician Medvedchuk, who is trying to promote Ukraine's membership in the Russia-led Customs Union. Soon after this last meeting Russia started a full-scale trade war with Ukraine, banning all imports from Ukraine, and causing huge losses to local businesses. Thus I would not call this "using charm" - it is an openly hostile policy.

А як ви вважаєте, чи можна охарактеризувати поведінку Путіна по відношенню до України "мила"?

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